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About the journal
Aims and scope
"Studia Rossica Posnaniensia" publishes original research papers that contribute to the development of science in two disciplines: linguistics and literary studies, with a particular emphasis on comparative literature and cultural studies. The subject matter of the published texts is very broad. They encompass not only analyses in the field of applied, historical and comparative linguistics, but also translation studies. We are also interested in new interpretative approaches and innovative methodologies regarding Russian-language literature.
As a journal devoted to philological studies of Russia and Eastern Europe, we highly value interdisciplinary research that focuses on the relationship between literature and visual culture of the aforementioned region, which distinguishes us from other periodicals representing a similar profile. The journal publishes thematic issues, to which we invite scholars who are specialists in a particular topic, post-conference issues, as well as those created as a result of our continuous, open call for papers.
The editors of "Studia Rossica Posnaniensia" constantly strive to ensure that the journal is a dynamically developing platform for knowledge exchange not only for experienced researchers, but also for young scientists, also outside Europe. We publish papers written in Russian, English, Polish and German, which ensures the journal's recognition in Slavic academic community around the world. Due to this language policy, we constantly cooperate with foreign reviewers, which allows us to maintain the quality of publications and safeguards the dynamic development of intercultural dialogue.
There are no submission or any other processing fees attached (APCs) to the publication of articles in "Studia Rossica Posnaniensia".
ISSN: 0081-6884 (basic version)
e-ISSN: 2720-703X
DOI: 10.14746/strp
Open Access Policy
The journal provides immediate and free access to the published volumes and papers through the OJS (Open Journal System) platform.
We encourage the authors to disseminate the results of their research, which were published in "Studia Rossica Posnaniensia", in existing academic repositories along with the DOI number and reference to the journal webpage.
Sources of financing
We are pleased to inform you that the journal “Studia Rossica Posnaniensia” received financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science in the competition under “Development of scientific journals” programme for the years 2022-2023. The journal was placed at the 75th position in the ranking including 565 journals which were granted the financial support.

The current number of points that "Studia Rossica Posnaniensia" is awarded with is 40 (according to the list of Ministry of Science and Higher Education as of December 2021).
ICV 2020: 100.00
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